Music of speech and musical speech in the compositions of Peter Ablinger




The article is devoted to the problem of the interrelation between speech and music, what for the composers of the last third of the XX — early XXI centuries is a very relevant research problem. The subject of the study in the article is the relationship between speech and musical structures in the work of one of the brightest representatives of modern music of the Austrian composer — innovator Peter Ablinger. The composer applies all possible elements of noise as a full-fledged sound material, and a separate vector of his creativity is the transformation of speech into a musical object. Noise and speech in its concept are not at all in a chaotic quality, since the central elements of the system are: the nature of sound, space and time. The relevance of the research topic is justified not by the study of P. Ablinger’s work in Russian musicology, but also by the new formulation of the problem of the relationship between speech and music, where the musical tissue is generated from speech elements by means of a certain program. As a research methodology, the author turns to the study of the technical strategies of the composer, localized with the help of the general idea designated by Ablinger as a method of “phonorealism”. In this context, modern digital methods of photo processing are compared with the principles of the composer’s work with the primary elements of sound recording —acoustic photographs. The main conclusions from the study carried out in the article are that earlier the musical composition was conditioned by the obsolete means of fixing the sound material. Ablinger’s technology and innovative ideas today allow you to reproduce the whole spectrum of sound, visualize it, revise it and then return it in a transformed form. The composer represents music as a “universal analyzer of reality”.


music and speech, Peter Ablinger, speaking piano, Voices and Piano, Qadraturen, musical sound and noise, phonorealism, new music of post-serialism


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Author Biography

Svetlana V. Lavrova, Vaganova Ballet Academy

Dr. Habil., Vice-Rector for Research and Development



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9. Ablinger, Peter. “Black Square and Bottle Rack: noise and noises”. In Noise in and as Music, edited by Aaron Cassidy, Aaron Einbond, 60–86. Huddersfield: University of Huddersfield Press, 2013.

10. Ablinger, Peter. “Interview mit Fragen des Komponisten Trond Olav Reinholdtsen, erschienen auf Norwegisch in der Musikzeitschrift ‘Parergon’ anläßlich des Festivals ‘Happy Days’, Oslo, April 2005”. Accessed August 20, 2017.

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15. Woodruff, Jeremy. “A musical analysis of the people’s microphone: voices and echoes in protest and sound art and Occupation 1 for string quartet”. Doctor of Philosophy diss., University of Pittsburgh, 2014.

16. Lavrova, Svetlana. “Proektsii osnovnykh kontseptov poststrukturalistskoi filosofii v muzyke postserializma”. DA diss. Kazanskaia gosudarstvennaia konservatoriia im. N. G. Zhiganova, 2016. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Lavrova, S. V. . (2018). Music of speech and musical speech in the compositions of Peter Ablinger. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 8(2), 157–179.




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