The monumentality of new Russian sculpture. Episode 2: “Wall of grief ”




The article continues the material published in the previous issue of the journal [1]. The current trends of Russian monumental sculpture are analyzed in the context of the discussion of new sculptural memorials that have appeared recently in Moscow. The main focus is on the history of the creation of a memorial to the victims of political repression in Moscow. It particularly considers works of the Russian sculptor Georgy Frangulyan whose works play a significant role in the formation of ideas about the latest trends in the art culture of Russia. For comparison, examples of European and American sculpture of recent decades are presented including the works of Henry Moore, Alfred Hrdlicka, and Richard Serra. The theme of monuments and memorials is revealed in the context of artistic problems, urban situation, socio-political tendencies. Monumental sculpture is understood as a symptom of the state of Russian society, a form of social outlook.


contemporary sculpture, monumental sculpture, memorials, urban sculpture, public art, Russian sculpture, Soviet sculpture, Georgy Frangulyan


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Author Biography

Alexander O. Kotlomanov, Sаint Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design; Saint Petersburg State University




1. Котломанов А. О. Монументальность новой русской скульптуры. Эпизод 1: памятник князю Владимиру // Вестник СПбГУ. Искусствоведение. 2017. Т. 7, вып. 3. С. 342–359.

2. Турчин В. С. Монументы и города. Взаимосвязь художественных форм монументов и городской среды. М.: Советский художник, 1982. 160 с.

3. Ревзин Г. И. Памятная история // Коммерсантъ Власть. 2015. № 11. С. 44.

4. Базазьянц С. Б. Художник, пространство, среда. Монументальное искусство и его роль в формировании духовно-материального окружения человека. Художник и город. М.: Советский художник, 1983. 240 с.

5. Moore H. Writings and Conversations / ed. by A. Wilkinson. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002. 320 p.

6. Нордвик В. «Стена скорби» — моя миссия»: беседа со скульптором Георгием Франгуляном, которому предстоит создать мемориал в память о жертвах политических репрессий // Родина. 2016. № 2. С. 56–65.

7. Победа в конкурсе по созданию памятника жертвам политических репрессий // Сайт скульптора Георгия Франгуляна. URL: (дата обращения: 20.05.2017).

8. Полякова Н. И. Скульптура и пространство. Проблема соотношения объема и пространственной среды. М.: Советский художник, 1982. 200 с.

9. Causey A. Sculpture since 1945. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. 304 p.


1. Kotlomanov A. O. Monumental’nost’ novoi russkoi skul’ptury. Epizod 1: pamiatnik kniaziu Vladimiru [The monumentality of the new Russian sculpture. Episode 1: Monument to Prince Vladimir]. Vestnik SPbSU. Arts, 2017, vol. 7, issue 3, pp. 342–359. (In Russian)

2. Turchin V. S. Monumenty i goroda. Vzaimosviaz’ khudozhestvennykh form monumentov i gorodskoi sredy [Monuments and cities. The relationship of monumental forms and the urban environment]. Moscow, Soviet Artist Publ., 1982. 160 p. (In Russian)

3. Revzin G. I. Pamiatnaia istoriia [Memorable history]. Kommersant Vlast’, 2015, no 11, p. 44. (In Russian)

4. Bazaz’yants S. B. Khudozhnik, prostranstvo, sreda. Monumental’noye iskusstvo i yego rol’ v formirovanii dukhovno-material’nogo okruzheniia cheloveka. Khudozhnik i gorod [Artist, space, environment. Monumental art and its role in the formation of the spiritual and material environment of man. Artist and city]. Moscow, Soviet Artist Publ., 1982. 240 p. (In Russian)

5. Moore H. Writings and Conversations. Ed. by A. Wilkinson. Berkeley, University of California Press, 2002. 320 p.

6. Nordvik V. «Stena skorbi» — moia missiia». Beseda so skul’ptorom Georgiem Frangulianom, kotoromu predstoit sozdat’ memorial v pamiat’ o zhertvakh politicheskikh repressii [“The Wall of Grief is my mission”. A conversation with the sculptor Georgy Frangulyan, who will create a memorial in memory of the victims of political repression]. Rodina, 2016, no. 2, pp. 56–65. (In Russian)

7. Pobeda v konkurse po sozdaniu pamiatnika zhertvam politicheskikh repressii [Victory in the competition to create a monument to victims of political repression]. Sayt skul’ptora Georgiia Franguliana [Site of sculptor Georgy Frangulyan]. Available at: (accessed 20.05.2017). (In Russian)

8. Polyakova N. I. Skul’ptura i prostranstvo. Problema sootnosheniia ob”ema i prostranstvennoi sredy [Sculpture and space. The problem of the relationship between volume and spatial environment]. Moscow, Soviet Artist Publ., 1982. 200 p. (In Russian)

9. Causey A. Sculpture since 1945. Oxford, New York, Oxford University Press, 1988. 304 p.



How to Cite

Kotlomanov, A. O. (2017). The monumentality of new Russian sculpture. Episode 2: “Wall of grief ”. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 7(4), 436–452.



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