“Appropriate architecture”. Capriccio on the Vasilyevsky Island Strelka





The article shows that the exceptional expressiveness of the Strelka architectural ensemble on St. Petersburg’s Vasilyevsky island and its dominant role in the panorama of the Neva’s banks was achieved thanks to the coherent interaction of the generated buildings with the existing landscape. The interaction amongst the buildings by themselves is based on virtuosic refinement in the architectural and natural environment. In creating the Bourse complex Thomas de Thomon achieved unique results. He selected architectural images from the existing palette of classicism, and then transferred them to the banks of the Neva using the technique of “Capriccio”. He expertly processed them within the given conditions to the center of Saint Petersburg. The work of Tomas de Thomon enriched the ensemble of the main space of the city — the space of the Neva River — by a striking composition in urban planning. The article reflects on the conditions that allowed to ensure the integrity of the implementation of the complex. Success was facilitated by the coincidence of spatial-temporal circumstances. In those years the principles of the ensemble approach began to be applied, increasing Russia’s financial potential, strengthening the technological bases of construction, strengthening the control system for design and the field of construction. The article also noted the impact of local factors such as changes in the conditions of land use. Research reflects the role of the stages of formation of the complex. It analyzes in detail not only the ensemble, but the area around the former Collegiate square, irretrievably lost as a result of the chaotic development during the second half of the 19th century. The authors come to the conclusion that the ensemble of the Strelka on Vasilyevsky may be regarded as an outstanding example of relevant architecture. The architect used the principles of the “environmental approach”, which allowed for an emotional reflection on the “spirit of place”, to ensure the full compliance of parameters of the created complex of landscape characteristics and optimal use of visual, natural and technical resources of the site’s development.


appropriate architecture, Capriccio, the architecture of Saint-Petersburg, Vasilievsky island, Russian Empire, Thomas de Thomon, methods of ensemble formation


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Author Biographies

Leonid P. Lavrov, Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Dr. Habil., professor, honored architect of the Russian Federation, corresponding member at the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, corresponding member at the Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung

Fedor V. Perov, Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

PhD, director of the Department of Architectural Engineering.



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How to Cite

Lavrov, L. P., & Perov, F. V. . (2017). “Appropriate architecture”. Capriccio on the Vasilyevsky Island Strelka. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 6(4), 52–86. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu15.2016.404


