Osmanian architectural historism and the searches of national style



The article deals with the analysis of peculiarities of development of historical styles in architecture of last decades of Ottoman empire (frontier of XIX–XX centuries). Backward appeal to historism as international architectural trend was Turkish architects’ mean of struggle with the westernization of their own culture and was valued as the return to national background, typical of Ottoman ideology. However not all historism variants (Neogothic, Neobyzantine styles) were governmentally approved. On the other hand, official Neo-Ottoman style rhetoric, reflecting conception of Turkism was inherited by architecture of Turkish Republic and used till the turn to “revolutionary modern style” in 1930-th.


Turkish architecture, historism, osmanism, westernization, neogothic, Bizantium style, neo-Osmanic style, art nouveau, Kemalettin


Author Biography

Evgenii I. Kononenko, State Institute for Art Studies

PhD, the head of Department of Asian and African art



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How to Cite

Kononenko, E. I. (2016). Osmanian architectural historism and the searches of national style. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 6(1), 88–99. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/2021


