Communicative practices of New Music: beauty as refutation of habit



With a topic related to the neo-functional approach the authors carry out their sociological research of communications and practices within the modern music sub-genre. In this article they establish their results related to the theoretical and practical study of communications and environments within New Music. Their aim is a detailed description and analysis of the communicative code proposed by New Music, unraveling its paradoxes, and explaining the content of its innovations. The analysis of different music environments helps to better understand the social appeal of New Music, the possibilities and the limits of its interactions. The insights into the New Music communication practice show that its message is different from one readily available for the conservative philharmonic audience. The New Music message is the music of sound and unusual interpretation of the world’s acoustic system. The observer’s observer, a censor who selects the form is a competent audience not biased against the sound of reality. The beautiful is what manifests itself in a new technical form and is structured against classical rules of harmony or even without sound. New Music communication practices focuses on provocation. It is provocative in the choice of media and form which allows to present silence as music and everydaynoises as a symphony. 


contemporary art, New Music, communications, sociology of arts


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Author Biographies

Svetlana V. Lavrova, Saint Petersburg State University, Vaganova Ballet Academy

PhD, associate professor of the Department of Organ, Harpsichord and Carillon of the Faculty of Arts at the Saint Petersburg State University, Vice-Rector for Research and Development at the Vaganova Ballet Academy, member of the Union of composers of Russia

Elena A. Ostrovskaya, Saint Petersburg State University

Dr. Habil., professor



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1. Luhmann N. Die Kunst der Gesellschaft. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp taschenbuch, 1997. 517 S.

2. Luhmann N. Das Kunstwerk und die Selbstreproduktion der Kunst, Geschihten und Funktionen eines Kulturwissenschaftlichen Diskurselements, Hrsg. von H. U. Gumbrecht, K. L. Pfeiffer. Frankfurt am Main, 1986. S. 620–672.

3. Luhmann N. Aufsätze und Reden, Hrsg. von Ph. Jahraus. Stuttgart: Philip Reclam jun., 2001. 102 S.

4. Kholopov Iu. N. Novye paradigmy muzykal'noi estetiki KhKh veka, Harmony. Mezhdunarodnyi muzykal'nyi kul'turologicheskii zhurnal. URL: (accessed: 3.09.2014).

5. Sciarrino S. Carte da suono scritti (1981–2001). Palermo: Cidim Novecento, 2001. 460 p.

6. Lachenmann N. Musik als existentielle Erfahrung. Schriften 1966–1995. Wiesbaden; Leipzig; Paris: Breitkopf & Härtel, 2004. 454 S.

7. Lakhenmann Kh. Iskusstvo nikomu nichego ne dolzhno… Da capo al fine — Igraem snachala — Mezhdunarodnaia akademiia muzykal'nykh innovatsii. № 8 (123). URL: (accessed: 3.09.2014).

8. Nishida K. [Foreword] / transl. by P. Pörtn. Lachenmann N. NUN: music for flute, trombone, male voices and orchestra. Breitkopf & Härtel, 2003. P. 3.

9. Konkurs kompozitorov YouTube ostalsia bez pervogo mesta, URL: (accessed: 3.09.2014).



How to Cite

Lavrova, S. V. ., & Ostrovskaya, E. A. . (2015). Communicative practices of New Music: beauty as refutation of habit. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 5(1), 5–17. Retrieved from




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