Color in the System of Artistic Means of Cinema




Although the main visual information in film is carried out by the shape of objects, their position in space and their correlation with other objects, color in the motion picture also plays a significant role because the color scale has a strong aesthetic and emotional impact on the viewer. Color is often an organic part of the dramaturgy of film. The exact coloristic solution of a frame, episode or film is able to create the desired atmosphere of action. Different screen chronotopes are often indicated with the help of color — it could be an artistic space of reality, memories, fantasies or a movie character’s dreams. Color helps to convey the subjective perception of reality by the film’s heroes. In a certain context, the color scheme of a film, shot or an individual object, can acquire a metaphorical or symbolic sound. Cinematography initially adopted many of the techniques related to compositional and light-color solutions from painting, which is especially noticeable in the works of directors who pay great attention to the plastic solution of the frame. Today with the introduction into filmmaking of digital technologies, work on the visual solution and color harmonization of the screen image is becoming in many ways similar to the art of an artist. The article analyzes and summarizes the creative experience accumulated by cinema in working with color images and investigates the functional role of color in film, the psychophysiological and emotional impact of color on the viewer, the symbolism of color, and various methods of color solutions in modern films.


cinema, color, color perception, symbolism of color, special effects



Author Biography

Vitaly F. Poznin, Russian Institute of Art History; Saint Petersburg State University

Dr. Habil., Professor



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How to Cite

Poznin, V. F. . (2021). Color in the System of Artistic Means of Cinema. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 11(3), 410–436.


