Chromatic and plastic transformations and the concept of emptiness in the art of Japanese graphic designers M. Katsui and K. Sato (1970’s — 2000’s)


  • Oksana A. Vashchuk Saint Petersburg State University
  • Juliana I. Karpova Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design


The article deals with the works by Japanese graphic designers Mitsuo Katsui and Koichi Sato. In their works the traditional aesthetic and philosophical orientations of Japanese design culture are vividly embodied. The focus of the article lies in artistic and expressive features of the posters by Mitsuo Katsui and Koichi Sato, chromatic and plastic characteristics of their images, as well as a unique concept of the emptiness, which has a definite value in the context of traditional Japanese philosophy and culture.


Japanese graphic design, poster, Mitsuo Katsui, Koichi Sato, the concept of emptiness, chromatic and plastic transformations, luminosity


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Author Biographies

Oksana A. Vashchuk, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, associate professor of the Department of Design of the Faculty of Arts

Juliana I. Karpova , Saint-Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design

associate professor of the Department of Environmental Design of the Institute of Environmental Design



1. Wichmann H. Japanische Plakate: sechziger Jahre bis heute; D. N eue Sammlung, Staatl. Museum für angewandte Kunst, München 1988, [vom 25. Oktober 1988 — 8. Januar 1989]. Basel; Boston; Stuttgart: Birkhäuser, 1988. 209 S.

2. Григорьева Т. П. Японская художественная традиция. М.: Искусство, 1979. 201 с.

3. Yonekura M. Introduction // Tanaka I. Illustration in Japan. Vol. 1–3. New York: Kodansha USA Inc., 1982. Vol. 2. 274 p.

4. Вещь в японской культуре / Центр по изучению соврем. Японии; [сост. Н. Г. Анарина, Е. М. Дьяконова]. М.: Вост. лит. РАН, 2003. 259 c.

5. Баева Л. В. Концепция пустоты и ее аксиологический смысл // Четвертые Торчиновские чтения: материалы Международной конференции. СПб.: Изд-во СПбГУ, 2007. С. 317–321.

6. Григорьева Т. П. Красотой Японии рожденный. М.: Искусство, 1993. 464 с.

7. Sato K. Dazzling Designs. New York: Dover Publications, 1998. 32 p.

8. Sato K. Infinite Coloring Dazzling Designs. New York: Dover Publications, 2009. 96 p.

9. Sato K. Optical Illusions Coloring Book. New York: Dover Publications, 1994. 32 p.

10. Thornton R. S. The Graphic Spirit of Japan. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991. 240 p.


1. Wichmann H. Japanische Plakate: sechziger Jahre bis heute; D. N eue Sammlung, Staatl. Museum für angewandte Kunst, München 1988, [vom 25. Oktober 1988 — 8. Januar 1989]. Basel; Boston; Stuttgart, Birkhäuser, 1988. 209 S.

2. Grigor'eva T. P. Iaponskaia khudozhestvennaia traditsiia. Moscow,Iskusstvo, 1979. 201 p. (In Russian)

3. Yonekura M. Introduction. Tanaka I. Illustration in Japan. Vol. 1–3. New York, Kodansha USA Inc., 1982, vol. 2. 274 p.

4. Veshch' v iaponskoi kul'ture. Tsentr po izucheniiu sovrem. Iaponii; comp. by N. G. Anarina, E. M. D'iakonova. Moscow, Vost. lit. RAN, 2003. 259 p. (In Russian)

5. Baeva L. V. Kontseptsiia pustoty i ee aksiologicheskii smysl. Chetvertye Torchinovskie chteniia: materialy Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii. St. Petersburg, Izd-vo SPbGU, 2007, pp. 317–321. (In Russian)

6. Grigor'eva T. P. Krasotoi Iaponii rozhdennyi. Moscow, Iskusstvo, 1993. 464 p. (In Russian)

7. Sato K. Dazzling Designs. New York, Dover Publications, 1998. 32 p.

8. Sato K. Infinite Coloring Dazzling Designs. New York, Dover Publications, 2009. 96 p.

9. Sato K. Optical Illusions Coloring Book. New York, Dover Publications, 1994. 32 p.

10. Thornton R. S. The Graphic Spirit of Japan. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991. 240 p.



How to Cite

Vashchuk, O. A. ., & Karpova , J. I. . (2012). Chromatic and plastic transformations and the concept of emptiness in the art of Japanese graphic designers M. Katsui and K. Sato (1970’s — 2000’s). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 2(1), 167–176. Retrieved from


