“The gesture towards boundlessness” in a musical composition of the last third of the XXth century: Brian Ferneyhough and John Cage: difficult concepts and destruction of borders; structural and spontaneous



The article is devoted a postmodernism phenomenon — transgression in new music. The interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of a musical composition implies “difficult thinking” of E. Morena’s theory. The phenomenon is compared with a concept “New complexity” in new music and works of its founder and ideologist Brian Ferneyhough, whose views and sound philosophy are much alike as John Cage’s approach.


transgression in new music, new complexity


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Author Biography

Svetlana V. Lavrova, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, associate professor of the Department of Organ, Harpsichord and Carillon of the Faculty of Arts, member of the Union of composers of Russia



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13. Lachenmann H. Musik als existentielle Erfahrung: Schriften 1966–1995. Wiesbaden, Breitkopf/Hartel, 1996. 122 S.

14. Gadamer G.-G. Iskusstvo i podrazhanie. Gadamer G.-G. Aktual'nost' prekrasnogo. St. Petersburg, Petropolis Publ., 1995, pp. 14–19. (In Russian)



How to Cite

Lavrova, S. V. . (2012). “The gesture towards boundlessness” in a musical composition of the last third of the XXth century: Brian Ferneyhough and John Cage: difficult concepts and destruction of borders; structural and spontaneous. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 2(3), 3–12. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/1531




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