Public art: the pages of history. Art in the context of nature and nature in the context of art



The article investigates the evolution of landscape genre in contemporary art (second half of 20th — beginning of 21st century) in the context of issues of public art. The author considers a range of issues related to the reasons for the emergence of such phenomena and their relationship to the general crisis of Western culture. It traces the history of the emergence of the most significant trends in the mainstream of artistic transformation of nature in the United States and Western Europe since the 1970s. In particular, analyzes of land art as a trend is important in the context of public art. Also the article includes comparative analysis of stylistic characteristics of American and European examples of this trend, with mention of some important names. Separately considers the phenomenon of the newest version of the tradition of sculpture park, the best examples of which are shown in the UK. 


contemporary art, contemporary sculpture, public art, land art, Henry Moore, Barbara Hepworth, Richard Long


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Author Biography

Alexander O. Kotlomanov, Sаint Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design; Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, associate professor



1. Котломанов А. О. Паблик-арт: страницы истории. Феномен контр-монумента и кризис мемориальной традиции в современной монументальной скульптуре // Вестник СПбГУ. Сер. 15: Искусствоведение. 2015. Вып. 1. С. 53–70.

2. Moore H. Writings and Conversations / ed. by A. Wilkinson. Berkeley; Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2002. 320 p.

3. Hammacher A. M. Barbara Hepworth. London: Thames & Hudson, 1987. 216 p.

4. Causey A. Sculpture since 1945. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. 304 p.

5. Smithson R. A Provisional theory of non-sites. URL: (дата обращения: 28.12.2014).

6. Краусс Р. Е. Скульптура в расширенном поле // Краусс Р. Е. Подлинность авангарда и другие модернистские мифы / пер. с англ. А. Матвеевой, К. Кистяковской, А. Обуховой. М.: Художественный журнал, 2003. С. 272–288.

7. Norvell P. An interview with Robert Smithson, 1969 // Modern Sculpture Reader / ed. by J. Wood, D. Hulks, A. Potts. Leeds: Henry Moore Institute, 2007. P. 285–296.

8. Котломанов А. О. Паблик-арт: страницы истории. Британские парки скульптуры второй половины XX века // Вестник СПбГУ. Сер. 15: Искусствоведение. 2014. Вып. 1. С. 97–106.


1. Kotlomanov A. O. Pablik-art: stranitsy istorii. Fenomen kontr-monumenta i krizis memorial'noi traditsii v sovremennoi monumental'noi skul'pture, Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 15: Iskusstvovedenie. 2015. Vyp. 1. p. 53–70.

2. Moore H. Writings and Conversations / ed. by A. Wilkinson. Berkeley; Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2002. 320 p.

3. Hammacher A. M. Barbara Hepworth. London: Thames & Hudson, 1987. 216 p.

4. Causey A. Sculpture since 1945. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. 304 p.

5. Smithson R. A Provisional theory of non-sites. URL: (accessed: 28.12.2014).

6. Krauss R. E. Skul'ptura v rasshirennom pole, Krauss R. E. Podlinnost' avangarda i drugie modernistskie mify, per. s angl. A. Matveevoi, K. Kistiakovskoi, A. Obukhovoi. M.: Khudozhestvennyi zhurnal, 2003. P. 272–288.

7. Norvell P. An interview with Robert Smithson, 1969, Modern Sculpture Reader, ed. by J. Wood, D. Hulks, A. Potts. Leeds: Henry Moore Institute, 2007. P. 285–296.

8. Kotlomanov A. O. Pablik-art: stranitsy istorii. Britanskie parki skul'ptury vtoroi poloviny XX veka, Vestnik SPbGU. Ser. 15: Iskusstvovedenie. 2014. Vyp. 1. P. 97–106.



How to Cite

Kotlomanov, A. O. (2015). Public art: the pages of history. Art in the context of nature and nature in the context of art. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 5(2), 75–86. Retrieved from



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