The tact theory of Michael Pretorius


  • Marina E. Girfanova The Kazan State Ziganov Conservatoire of Music


The article views the tact theory of Michael Praetorius, a leading German music theorist of the first half of the XVIIth century. Praetorius discussed it in the third volume of his work «Syntagma musicum» (1619). This theory belongs to the early stage of development of the European tact theory, being its one of the most significant parts. Developing foregoing mensural theoretical tradition, Pretorius suggested new research approaches to the theory of tact, namely it is the priority of empirical knowledge, practicality, profane rationality, critical attitude to the opinions of authorities. Much of what defines a theoretical method of Pretorius
was a consequence of ideological shift that the German Reformation had brought and was in tune with the transformations taking place at this time in European science, in general.


tact, Michael Praetorius, German music theory, methodology of music science


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Author Biography

Marina E. Girfanova, The Kazan State Ziganov Conservatoire of Music

PhD, associate professor of the Department of Theory of Music and Composition



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3. Dahlhaus C. Zur Taktlehre des Michael Praetorius, Die Musikforschung. 1964. Hft 2, Jg XVII. S. 162–169.

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How to Cite

Girfanova, M. E. . (2013). The tact theory of Michael Pretorius. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(4), 3–15. Retrieved from


