Temporary intersections of new music and G. Deleuze’s philosophy: Eon, Husserl’s “consciousness horizon” and “Hours of Bergson”



The main concern of the article is musical time. The category of time is considered through philosophy and new music. Two interpretations of time — Chronos time and Aion time, according to the French philosopher G. Deleuze, are opposite. Music can be substantially defined through the stream of time. Structuring musical time and its various concepts are considered in the context of musical ideas of the Italian composer S. Sciarrino. Among the compositions by S. Sciarrino analyzed in the article is “Vanitas”, a great paraphrase of the canzone of Stardust where the author refers to the emptiness of Aion metaphor. Contrasting Chronos and Aion as two forms of time can help to identify their properties: the former is limited and infinite, while the latter is boundless as the future and past, but finite as a present moment. As a conclusion, the article argues that S. Sharrino’s strive for musical forms which correspond to the processes of consciousness and the Theory of duration of A. Bergson is also connected with his theory of memory. Memory is characterized by such a structure that the past and the present can be regarded as not mutually exclusive, but united by the process of cognition. One part of the cycle “Opera per flauto” by S. Sciarrino’s is called “Hours of Bergson” (“L’oroligio di Bergson”), that can also proves his interest in philosophy and the problem of musical time.


temporary intersections, Aion, Husserl’s “consciousness horizon”, «Часы Бергсона»


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Author Biography

Svetlana V. Lavrova, Saint Petersburg State University

PhD, associate professor of the Department of Organ, Harpsichord and Carillon of the Faculty of Arts, member of the Union of composers of Russia



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1. Messiaen O. Traité de rythme, de couleur, et d’ornithologie: in 7 vols. Vol. I. Paris: Alphonse Leduc, 2002. 375 p.

2. Delez Zh. Logika smysla. Per. s fr. Ia. I. Svirskogo Moscow: Raritet; Ekaterinburg: Delovaia kniga, 1998. 480 p.

3. Tsimmerman B. A. Dva esse o muzyke. Per. A. Safronova. Interval i vremia (1957). http://www.opentextnn.ru/music/interpretation/?id=4012 (accessed 10.01 2013)

4. Stockhausen K. Texte zur Musik: in 6 Bde. Bd 1. Köln: M. DuMont-Schauberg, 1963. 255 S.

5. Gusserl' Ed. Sobr. sochinenii. 5 t. T. 3 (1): Logicheskie issledovaniia. Per. s nem. V. I. Molchanova. Moscow: Gnozis, Dom intellektual'noi knigi, 2001. 470 p.

6. Sciarrino S. Carte da suono scritti 1981–2001. Novecento: CIDIM, 2001. 462 p.

7. Bergson A. Neposredstvennye dannye soznaniia. Vremia i svoboda voli. Mosow: Izd-vo LKI, 2012. 260 p.

8. Bergson A. Materiia i pamiat'. 1896. Ch. 1 (fr.). philosophy.ru›library/berg/bergson_materia.html (accessed 13.01.2013).



How to Cite

Lavrova, S. V. . (2013). Temporary intersections of new music and G. Deleuze’s philosophy: Eon, Husserl’s “consciousness horizon” and “Hours of Bergson”. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Arts, 3(3), 16–24. Retrieved from https://artsjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/2389




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